There has been a common thread in most of my conversations lately: uncertainty. So common, I felt guided to write about it. As I was...
Vulnerable. This was a four letter word to me for a very long time. How could I possibly benefit from being exposed? Defenseless....
Learning to Listen
I thought I was a good listener for a very long time... can you see where I'm going with this? Ha! I was not a good listener. Somehow...
Do you ever think to yourself, "Why can't this whole life thing be easier?" Of course you do, because even though life is magical, it...
Who hurt you?!
I have had a very interesting year...to say the least. Thankfully, I managed to stay afloat throughout my crazy year. I was privileged...
Some people have a tendency to hold onto things they don't need, things that no longer serve them. By some people, I mean all people. Our...
Are you waiting for the dust to settle? Stop it. The dust never settles. The dust is part of life. The dust is proof of life. Stop...
Destruction vs. Letting Go
As much as I'd like to say this blog is about Daenerys of Game of Thrones losing her marbles and going berserk, it is not. However,...
Love, Rev. Meg
Sick of reading? Listen here. "From what I was told, this is the talk in which I’m supposed to talk about me. I already do that often...
Do What You Want, but...
I’ve found myself so busy lately, that I cannot keep track of time. Of course, it’s my “fault” that I’m busy. I’m doing what I want; but...